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Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Finding Good Option Trades...
We have been hosting a 3-part training session with OptionVue, intended to teach you how to approach the markets in an effective and intelligent manner. Our first training session was held a couple weeks ago, which introduced the OptionVue 5 software and demonstrated it's basic functions.
The presentation tonight will jump into the art and science of finding good trades. What you'll learn is how to identify good trades and how to choose the best from among them.
Interested? It's a free presentation...
It starts tonight at 6:00 p.m. PST / 9:00 p.m. EST. If you head over to our main web page you can submit your name and e-mail, and you'll receive the login information.
We even arranged for a 30-day trial of OptionVue 5, giving you full use of the software and all of the necessary data feeds for just $24. Plus, you get educational materials, one-on-one time with an OptionVue trainer, and you can "play along" during our online training.
Just use "OptionClub" as your discount code when ordering on the OptionVue website or by telephone.
I'll see you tonight!
Christopher Smith
Friday, July 25, 2008
Options University's FX Option Materials Now Comes With Forex Profit Accelerator
However, I was just made aware of something completely new, which I am now looking into, and thought that I should make you aware of as well.
There are not many option educators out there that I recommend. The only company I have recommended is Options University, although in the last year or so I have seen a very small number of educators, such as our friends at OptionVue, enter this area as well.
In any event, Options University has been working on new materials applicable to the new FX options offered through the ISE exchange. The ISE FX contracts are denominated in U.S. dollars, are cash settled, and allow you to intuitively trade the currency markets without getting involved directly in the interbank markets. A really nice financial product, which is now available on the major currencies.
Bill has pulled some strings and just announced the Option University's new FX product is being added as a bonus to the Forex Profit Accelerator Course.
Now, I do have a copy of Forex Profit Accelerator that I picked up at the time of its initial launch, and can tell you that it is an excellent course. I wrote a full featured review of the course, which is available on another website.
I have not yet seen Option University's new FX materials, however. What I can tell you is that I've been working with Ron Ianieri and Brett Fogel from Options University for years, now. They offer good value at prices that tend to undercut their competitors.
Right now you cannot get an FX options course anywhere, at least not that I am aware. You could do like me and scour the ISE website, dig through news releases, etc., and try to pull together enough information about the product to begin formulating some plans for trading these new currency options. I am still working on that, by the way. Or, you can let Ron Ianieri's team do the labor intensive work and go with their materials.
But, let me be clear. I do not recommend buying Bill's course to get OU's FX options course. However, if you are considering purchasing Forex Profit Accelerator I do encourage you to make sure you are also getting OU's materials, too. You can do that here:
It just makes sense that if you get the one, that you try to pick up the other for the same price.
I thought you should know...
Christopher Smith
Sunday, July 20, 2008
OptionVue Empowers Traders With BackTrader
Before a professional traders places capital at risk, they are confident that their strategy is profitable. The way they develop that confidence is through the process of testing their strategy on historical data, to see how it responds in differing market conditions.
We are presently hosting a series of three training sessions with OptionVue to teach traders how a sophisticated tool like OptionVue 5 can be used to make them better, smarter traders. Personally, I am new to OptionVue, but I am learning my way around the program.
The above video demonstrates how to use OptionVue Backtrader to test a trading methodology over a period of time. This demonstration reveals how historical data is used in OptionVue to give the trader an idea as to how their rule set will perform.
If you want to join us, the training is offered for free. You can get a 30-day trial of OptionVue 5 for half the normal cost by using "OptionClub" as your discount code. Order the trial and they'll ship a whole package of materials to you. You can then join us on July 30, 2008, for our next session.
To recieve more information about the training, visit our home page at
Christopher Smith
Friday, July 18, 2008
OptionVue Presentation On Video Re-Play
If you missed the first session with Jim Graham, the video re-play is now available:
Jim gave an excellent introductory presentation and you're more than welcome to join us for our future workshops.

The discount code is "OptionClub" (case sensitive and without quotes). You can try ordering it at:
Watch the video re-play and if you want to get more information about our free advanced training sessions, visit our home page at Sign up on our seminar announcement list and you'll be notified of each event we hold.
Christopher Smith
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Hedging Your Portfolio With OptionVue 5
Last night we had our first of three presentations by the folks at OptionVue. If you missed it, I'll be sending out a link later today, or tomorrow, that will provide you access to a video of that presentation.
Jim Graham provided an excellent overview of OptionVue 5, as well as a special code that gets you access to the software at more than half-off.
I have now been trading options for several years. Over that period of time I have learned many lessons, most of them the hard way,
The experience has taught me that option trading is very much a business. Too often, traders become obsessed with profits and allow themselves to get overleveraged and fail to pay attention to the downside.
Professional traders don't spend a lot of time worrying about profits. They worry about risk. It's the risk that puts us out of business.
OptionVue 5 is a serious piece of software designed for professionally minded traders. Assessing and managing risk is a key aspect of what it does. You won't see that in other programs.
While you're waiting for the video recording of last night's presentation, I recorded a video that profiles just one of the risk mangement tools. I admit that it probably makes me a geek, but I'm excited about this one...
It will also very likely save your butt...
The video is posted above.
Our next live webinar session with OptionVue is in two weeks. Wednesday, July 30, 2008, at 6:00 p.m. PST / 9:00 p.m. EST.
Now, this is critical. You are quite welcome to join us for that second session, even if you've missed this first one. The welcome mat is out, even if you don't have OptionVue 5. Just join us and learn as much as you can.
If you want access to OptionVue 5, and this is very time sensitive, you have the opportunity to get a copy of OptionVue 5 for less than $25. It's a 30-day trial version, but it is fully functional, includes 30-days of data service, and is shipped to you with educational materials.
If you want to take advantage of the trial, then you need to use this case sensitive discount code...
Got to:
Provide your name and e-mail, and you'll receive a discount code that you may use to get a 30-day trial of OptionVue 5.
The trial package will be mailed to you, along with the educational material. Then, on July 30th, we're back online with Jim Graham from OptionVue and he will begin teaching us how to put the software to work.
Another session will be held the following Monday, where he'll teach us even more about options, trading, and the software.
If you're mulling over the whole $25 thing, consider this. It comes with "Simple Steps To Option Trading Success," a book co-authored by Jim Graham and Steve Lentz. The retail price on that is $19.95, then add the cost of shipping. You also receive a video tutorial, the software, and the data feed. The data feed is almost $50 per month...
That's about $80 worth of stuff, and we have not even talked about the training sessions...
Christopher Smith
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Stock Option Training With OptionVue
You won't want to miss this event, because this goes way beyond a software demonstration...
We have scheduled three online presentations. The first presentation will introduction OptionVue 5, which is the state-of-the-art options analysis software package that sets the standard for all others. You will be provided with a discount code, allowing you to get a fully featured copy of their software that you will be allowed to use for 30-days.
This will cost you about $25, which is less money than most of us will spend if we were to go out for lunch and a movie over the weekend. I've used a lot of different tools for options analysis and OptionVue is by far the most robust program out there. It's professional quality. So, even if you just use it for 30-days you should gain more insight into options from this experience than you would from a 2-day hotel seminar that might cost $3,000.
Session two will pick up several days later, which is enough time for the software to arrive in the mail. OptionVue's trainer will walk us through its configuration and begin teaching us the basics of how the software works. He'll turn us loose for a few days and allow us to get acquainted with the program.
The third session is where the "rubber meets the road," and we get to see how to actually make money. There will be a lot of discussion about option strategies, trading, and OptionVue's trainer will show us how their software helps us in all aspects of our trading. When this session is over, you'll still have quite a bit of time to continue using OptionVue 5 during your trial period.
Not enough?
No worries there, because you can also get some one-on-one instruction. That means you can ask the questions you want answers to and learn how the software applies to YOUR trading. How can you find the trades you want in your portfolio? How might you adjust those troublesome positions? How do you get your portfolio hedged against an adverse market move?
The first session begin on Wednesday, July 16, 2008, at 6:00 p.m. PST.
There is no cost, no obligation, and no gimmicks to attend these sessions. You'll get a lot more out of each session if you have OptionVue 5, so for $25 you can have a full featured copy of the software for 30-days.
OptionVue Trading Presentation Registration
Do not put off getting yourself registered. Get it done now and I'll see you on Wednesday!
Christopher Smith
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Your Oppotunity To Learn About Options On An Advanced Platform
- Wednesday, 7/16/08 @ 6PM PST
- Wednesday, 7/30/08 @ 6PM PST
- Monday, 8/4/08 @ 6PM PST
Last month I attended the Trader's Expo here in Ontario, California, and I met up with a couple of the guys from OptionVue. For years now, I've used a number of different options analysis packages but I have always known that OptionVue was the standard against which all others were compared. It is simply the best out there. This is sophisticated, professional level software.
I was eager to visit their table because I'm done futzing around with lesser solutions and I wanted to test drive OptionVue. We got to talking there at the Expo, and I made a deal that I think will be very educational and quite a bit of fun for me...and you.
OptionVue offers a 30-day trial for about $50 from their website. You can head over there right now and request the trial at that price, but I've arranged for that price to get halved.
That's just the beginning, though...
On the first date I had you save, we will have a software demo with Jim Graham from OptionVue. At that demonstration, you will be given a discount code that will allow you to order the 30-day trial at a discounted price.
The trial package will be sent out to you in the mail. I've already got mine and it came with the software, literature, a video CD that shows how the software works, etc. It's the full package.
(No Additional Cost...)
On July 30, we will meet online again. By then, if you were prompt about ordering the trial version, we will all have the software. Jim Graham will then show us how to make sure our software is properly configured and begin teaching us how to use it. He'll then turn us loose to play with it over the weekend.
(Still No Additional Cost...)
On August 4, we meet up again online and Jim will show us how OptionVue can be used to actually make us some money. You will still have some time left on the trial period, so you can then take what you learn here play with it, and back test it, or even trade on it if you wish.
(Again, It's Still Covered By Your $25)
That's not all though. If you want to get on the phone with a trainer for some one-on-one personalized support during the trial period, OptionVue will make that available to you, too. So, if you want help learning how to use OptionVue to find, manage, or adjust trades, call 'em up!
So, for your $25, we've got three webinars, the best options analysis software in the world, educational materials, and access to live support for a month.
How many trips to Starbucks is that? I don't think you could even eat dinner out once for that price, but the knowledge you gain could make a real difference in your financial and trading future, even if you don't buy the software!
To get the details for registering, just provide you name and e-mail address below. Or, if you want our options trading mini-course, use the registration form above, and I will get the registration details to you as quickly as I can.
Christopher Smith
Monday, July 7, 2008
What To Do About Growing Threat Of Bear Market
Late last year, I began looking at the foreign currency market as an alternate market for at least some of my trading activities. Don't get me wrong, I'm still trading the equity markets and have been holding my own. However, I want to diversify myself a bit.
Several months into my study of the foreign currency market, I can tell you that there are some real benefits to be gained there but the Forex market presents some real pitfalls that you should be cautious about. The good news is that I have learned some very effective ways to limit my risk in the foreign currency market, and I'm willing to share some thoughts on the subject.
One of the people I have turned to, to help prepare me in my trading, has assembled a multi-media training package. The best part is that he is giving it away right now, to anyone who asks for a copy.
This free multi-media training package debunks much of the misinformation that is presently out there. It includes an updated report that he issued late last year, as well as newly added video materials.
Like I mentioned earlier, I've been studying the Forex markets since late last year and I hope to begin sharing some of that information with you over the coming months. If you're trading options, I think you'll find this information very useful and possibly very profitable.
On the other hand, I don't want to spend my time teaching the basics of the Forex market or plowing ground that has already been plowed, especially when you can be ahead of the curve simply by taking advantage of these materials.
The good news is that this is really easy. In addition to a collection of reports, you will also provided some video tutorials that make the material very easy to get through.
There is presently no charge the report, but that will not be the case forever. You will want to access your copy now...
I hope you enjoy these materials as much as I have, and I look forward to discussing the subject of foreign currency trading in the coming weeks.
I encourage to take advantage of this offer while it lasts.
Christopher Smith
Blog Archive
- Finding Good Option Trades...
- Options University's FX Option Materials Now Comes...
- OptionVue Empowers Traders With BackTrader
- OptionVue Presentation On Video Re-Play
- Hedging Your Portfolio With OptionVue 5
- Stock Option Training With OptionVue
- Your Oppotunity To Learn About Options On An Advan...
- What To Do About Growing Threat Of Bear Market