I imagine that most people have already seen the president's address and the GOP reply, but I'm going to go ahead and post video of both. I'd be interested in your thoughts and observations, so please make use of the comment feature.
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Rick Santelli Responds To Press Secretary Gibbs
President Obama's Press Secretary attacked Rick Santelli following his Boston Tea Party rant. What's real interesting about the White House response is that it demonstrates a rather thin skin and lack of tolerance for criticism.
Personally, I tend to side with Mr. Santelli about bailing out those who made a bad decision on a home loan. I've made my share of bad decisions, some that cost me a fair bit of money, but no one ever offered me a bailout.
What did I do without a bailout?
I picked myself up, dusted myself off, and got on with the business of life. I guess the Press Secretary would also want to sit me down in his office and pour me a cup of decaf, too.
Christopher Smith
Rick Santelli Sayin' It Like It Is...
You've probably already seen this video clip, but if not give it a watch. Rick Santelli, from the floor of the CBOE touched a nerve that is raw with many Americans.
His comments, right or wrong or whether you agree with them or not, and the traders' reactions may provide some insight into the concern that is permeating the financial markets right now.
In fact, I just finished watching Fed Chairman Ben Bernake respond to questions about Rick Santelli's Boston Tea Party rant. After the session with the Fed Chairman concluded, CNBC gave Santelli a chance to respond and then had the anchors go after him.
Bias in our media? I don't know.
What I do know is that the metaphorical arguments offered by Ben Bernake and the CNBC crowd were frustratingly inane.
It makes me worry for our nation's economic future...
Christopher Smith
boston tea party,
mortgage bailout,
rick santelli
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