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Saturday, October 25, 2008

OptionVue Credit Spread Training And Video Re-Play

This last week we hosted a webinar exclusive to our community here at The featured speaker was Steve Lentz, who has been an options educator for the CBOE's Options Institute, the Options Industry Counsel, the Aussie Stock Exchange, and now us...

Steve is currently the Director of Education with OptionVue, as well as a mentor in their affiliated mentoring program. He is extremely knowledgeable when it comes to trading, and he is a superb teacher.

I hope you caught the presentation, but if not you can still view it at:

Steve Lentz tackled the myth about option sellers having an edge in the market.

Is it true? Do option sellers really have an advantage?

Well, watch the video but the short answer is "maybe." It all comes down to an understanding of implied volatility, the option pricing models, and doing a little bit of analysis. Steve showed us the basics of that last week.

He also started talking about credit spreads and the rookie mistakes he has seen so many traders make. We talked about high probability credit spreads and the necessary risk to reward ratios and win rates we need to achieve if we hope to be profitable.

It all came down to "practice, scrimmage, play..." What?

The "practice" part of trading is back-testing, the "scrimmage" is paper trading, and the "play" is money in the market. How many of us have gone to a seminar or learned about some trading idea that got us enthused, then ran home and tried trading it the following week?

I have and so have you. We've all done it. Was it a mistake? Oh, sure it was. So, what's the next step?

At the end of the video, Kevin Ritter from OptionVue outlined an Express Training product that they put tother...just for us.

This last summer Kevin and I worked out a multi-part presentation featuring another of OptionVue's educators. It was awesome. Kevin and I then started talking about their mentoring program. It's an excellent program and well worth the money, but it is expensive...

I wanted to get something that any one of us could afford, because I think that the guy with the $5,000 account should be just as prepared as the guy with the $500,000 account. Kevin agreed and we put together the Express Training product. It's the first time OptionVue has done this and it's just for us.

Now, it's not the full blown mentoring program, but for 30-days we're going to focus on one "bread and butter" trading strategy...the credit spread.

Why the credit spread?

You can trade credit spreads in most market conditions. It's a defined risk trade. It let's us take advantage of theta decay. It gives us an opportunity to create an edge...

...and that's exactly what we're going to learn how to do.

The mentoring program is designed to take us from theory to practical application. We'll learn about credit spreads, but then learn to use a trading system, back-test it, and trade it like a business. We're going to learn how to establish a customized trading plan, how to find appropriate trade candidates, how to open and manage positions, and how to close them.

I'm already signed up.

You're not going to find this high level training anywhere for this price. I know. I've looked. This course is not generally available. It's just for you, me, and the other members.

It includes personal mentoring sessions with Steve Lents. What do you think that would cost if you paid for them ala cart?

Oh, but you need software and data feed, right? It's included. Kevin also agreed to provide access to their on-line educational library.

The only thing I didn't get them to include was the trading account. You'll have to use your own.

This coming Wednesday, October 29, 2008, is the next training session. If you want to join us for the Express Training you must be registered no later than 2:00 p.m. on that day.

The details of the Training package are covered in the video re-play. You can also find the same information and get registered here:

Like I said, I am already signed up and will be part of this mentoring class. The opportunity to refine my personal trading, to become more business-like in managing my trading, is just too valuable to pass up. At $499, you may not have such an opportunity again.

Get yourself registered now and I'll see you next Wednesday for class...

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