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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

S&P 500 Iron Condor Update

This is a tough market to trade!

Yes, I am watching the market activity with particular interest. With my bear call spread feeling the heat from a fledgling rally, I have been particularly interested.

Some of the heat was taken off of my bear call spread today, with the S&P 500 seeing a distribution day. The index sank 0.8% on rising volume with the help of inflationary concerns and the Iranian government.

So, what's going to happen? I honestly do not know. I follow my rules. I trust my judgment when I don't have an open position.

The market remains in a confirmed rally. Today, March 28th, counts as a distribution day, but the rally is still intact. Whether it remains so, depends upon what happens in the days to come.

Christopher Smith


BBiB said...

Hello Chris,

Thanks for sharing your insight, expertise and mainly, your trades. Is there anyway possible for you to give a very high-level outline of your rules (when do you get in, when (apporximately0 you bail-out, etc)?

Thanks once again for sharing.

TheOptionClub said...

A lot of work, time, and money has gone into developing my specific trading methods. I am considering publishing the specifics of it, but it will not be on a free blog.

The idea behind this blog is to demonstrate what can be accomplished with options. Sort of the good, the bad, and the ugly of it. It is then up to the read to decide whether this form of investing and trading is appropriate and of interest to them.

Christopher Smith