A few people want to know what I mean by my "private site."
For the last couple months, I have been hard at work putting together a private membership site. I call it TheOptionClub Trading Room or, TOC Trading Room, for short.
In most every profession, a certain amount of education and training is required before you are turned loose to practice on your own. Imagine someone deciding that they want to be a surgeon, enrolling in a weekend seminar, then booking patients for Monday's surgical schedule! It is absurd. Even after four years of academic training in medical school, a new doctor is not turned loose in an operating theater. It is only after years of additional training in internship and residency programs that they become credentialed.
Lawyers learn their profession, not from law school, but by following other lawyers. Pilots fly solo only after supervised flights. Plumbers must apprentice. Yet, retail traders routinely jump into the market with little or no experience behind them.
Professional traders are not turned loose on the trading floor on their first day of work. They must complete training programs and demonstrate to their employers that they are up to the task. They learn by watching others trade.
Retail traders face a difficult hurdle. Trading is a very lonely activity for most of us. It is simply you, a computer screen, and perhaps the talking heads on CNBC. Who's shoulder do you look over to learn?
Some subscribe to trade alert services with the idea that they will follow those trades and learn how the "professionals" do it. I have not seen that work out well for most.
The idea behind the Trading Room is that you will be granted a seat in my "virtual" trading room. All of my trades are posted as I enter my order tickets. I trade mostly on an end-of-day basis, and my positions are typically designed so that intra-day management is typically not necessary. This should fit into the schedule of anyone working during the day.
The Trading Room is not yet open, but is still being tested to make sure it functions properly, but it should be online in the very near future. It will be a paid service because of the time commitment involved on my end, as well as the cost involved. Pricing information is not yet available, but my intent is to make it sufficiently affordable so that someone with a $5,000 account can pay for the service from trading profits.
If you're interested, keep following along here or subscribe to the e-mail newsletter. When the Trading Room opens, it will be announced through both the blog and on e-mail.
In the meantime, I'll post some trade update of the positions that are currently open and will try to provide you with information as to new positions that I open.
Good trading!
Christopher Smith
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