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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Options Mastery Series 2007 Edition Now Available

On July 2, 2007, I posted to the blog about Options University's 2007 edition of their Options Mastery course being re-released. The day for the re-release is today!

Options are increasingly becoming an important wealth building tool. You probably already appreciate this fact since you're reading my blog. However, with the NASDAQ now poised to enter the options market we are going to see more efficiencies and even better trading opportunities than we have in the past.

If you are new to options, or if you have not yet mastered the subject, this is an excellent opportunity to take a step in the right direction. Options are the only tool I am aware of that allow you to reduce your risk in the market, while also leveraging your opportunity for profits. The key to unlocking their potential is not a piece of software or trade advisory service, but simply a thorough understanding of how options work.

The reason I recommend the Options Mastery course is because I have evaluated several educational programs. I have spoken with students from other companies that have spent tens of thousands of dollars on multiple courses, "PhD" programs, etc., and still have not been introduced to material critical to their success as options traders.

What do you need to know?

At a minimum, I think you need to have an understanding of the options pricing model. You do not need to calculate options prices yourself, but you do need to have an appreciation for those factors that will effect the value of an options position and how that position will respond to various changes in the market. If you do not have such an understanding, you are simply "hoping" and "guessing" about whether your trade will turn profitable.

An understanding of synthetic and embedded positions is also important, as these are foundational to being able to execute intelligent position adjustments for purposes of reducing risk, taking profits off the table, and responding to changes in the market. I see too many traders adjust themselves from a losing position to a bigger loss, simply because they do not understand these concepts.

There is more, of course. However, you probably get my point.

So, why Ron Ianieri and his course?

Ron is a true professional. He learned his craft on the trading floor. His skill and knowledge as an options trader was recognized and he became THE specialist for Dell options when Dell was an exploding, hot stock. Ron possesses more than an academic understanding of options. His invaluable experience, along with the academic knowledge, was poured into a training course for new floor traders designed to prepare them to walk out onto a trading floor and compete with the seasoned veterans. That trader trainee course is the nucleus of Ron's Options Mastery course.

Options Mastery is a complete course.

The course consists of a series of DVD videos featuring instruction from Ron Ianieri. I have a complete copy of this course in my office and I still pull video discs off the shelf for a refresher course on various topics. Trading is just like baseball... It's all about the fundamentals!

The course goes on sale today at 12:00 p.m.

If you follow the link before that time, you'll see a live video by Ron and a count down to when the course goes on sale.

There are a limited number of courses available. I know some people think this is a marketing gimmick, but I can tell you from past experience that this is no gimmick. Options University stands behind each course and supports their customers. They limit the number of courses so that they can provide the needed support. It's good business for them because they have happier clients and customers, and good business for those who purchase the course.

The course does sell out, however. During the last release, the course had to be pulled off the market ahead of time because they had sold all available copies. The point is that if you're ready to proceed with your options education, don't let procrastination stand between you and the furtherance of your goals.

If you have questions, please feel free to ask. I'll do my best to answer them. If I'm not able, I'll forward them over to the folks at Options University.

As always, good trading!

Christopher Smith

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