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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

How To Get An Edge In This Market

Well, the DJIA made it above 13,000 last week, surrendered that psychological price level early this week, and now we're back above that mark.

As I've been saying all year, this is a difficult market in which to make money. There are those who are doing it, though.

How do they do it? It's all about having an edge...

This Thursday, May 8, 2008, at 6:00 p.m. PST (9:00 p.m. EST) Bill Poulos is hosting a complimentary one-time web-seminar. During the presentation he has promised to reveal a simple, but highly effective method that provides such an edge:

If you would like to attend, just use the above link to register and reserve a seat for yourself.

Also, whether you can attend or not, you may also want to download the following report:

The report addresses several key concepts such as how to evaluate a trading method to determine whether it provides you with an edge. (See, p. 6.) Learn a simple but effective method to determine the profitability of a trading method. (See, p. 25.) Quite a bit more is covered, too.

Bill will pick up on these, and other concepts, in his live presentation. It's all about learning how to identify when you have an edge...and when you don't.

If you can make it to the presentation, Bill will cover all of these concepts and you'll also enjoy a rare, live Q&A session with Bill.


"Seating" for this event is limited. The web-conferencing platform can only accommodate so many attendees. If you're interested in attending, you'll want to save a spot here:

Once registered, you will receive a password that will give you access to the event this Thursday.

Trade well, mind your risk, and see you on Thursday evening!

Christopher Smith

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