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Friday, September 7, 2007

Forex Profit Accelerator

Let's pick up where we left off yesterday...

You know, I just love trading. Luckily, I have become good at it.

There are several people that I consider mentors, from whom I have learned a lot about the markets and how to trade them.

A few days ago, one of my trading mentors released a report on the Forex markets that, it's fair to say, is creating a bit of a stir...

...the reason being is that it challenges everything that that the general public and probably 90% of Forex traders hold to be true.

You already know that I trade equity options. I do not typically trade stocks, however. There are several reasons for that.

For purposes of trading, I, personally, have found Forex to offer several advantages over the equity markets. Those advantages include things like awesome liquidity and unbelievable leverage, and advantages like this are why so many retail traders are getting involved in the foreign exchange market.

There are some real pitfalls, however...

So if you have ANY interest in discovering how to ride the "coat tails" of the big banks to maximize, I have something for you that I think you will really appreciate.

To help me get a proper start trading the foreign exchange, I sought out a mentor and went straight to the man from whom I had already learned so much about trading.

That same man recently surveyed over 50,000 traders to find out what their biggest concerns, questions, and challenges were about Forex trading. He took the results of that survey and has put together a 55-page report on the foreign exchange market.

In this report he laid bare the cold, hard reality of the Forex our benefit.

Here's why...

First, he has provided his answers to the top 20 questions raised in the survey...

More importantly, he also tackles head-on much of the unfounded confusion that seems to plague the public, as well as most Forex traders.

Even better, he has shared a little bit about how he spends just 20 minutes a day to trade the Forex market with TOTAL confidence and peace of mind.

You'll also learn from this report:

  • How to "shake out" the good Forex brokers from the unscrupulous ones. Many brokers won't be prepared when you ask them these 5 questions (page 12).
  • His "insiders formula" on how to determine the best mix of technical indicators to use when trading Forex pairs (page 23).
  • Step-by-step tactics for applying his "Optimal Profit Exit Strategy". This is one of his favorite ways to enjoy profit-taking as quickly as possible (page 32).
  • How he was able to drastically reduce his "time in the trenches" trading Forex by spending only 20 minutes a day. These 2 discoveries made it all possible (page 42).
  •, there's a TON more you'll get to sink your teeth into when you get the report.

I was given an advance copy of the report and was asked to get back to him and comment on what I had read. After reading this report, I figured he would be offering it for sale on his web site in a few days. When I got back with him after reading it, he told me...

The report is not for sale (at least not right now).

You can't purchase a copy.

He is frustrated with the misinformation out there and how new traders get hurt as a result...

That's why he decided to GIVE IT AWAY.

In his own words he says,

"I want to de-mystify the Forex markets once and for all. So I sat down to write this report as if I was under oath, being grilled by an attorney. That's how direct and forthcoming it is."


To get your copy, just visit this web page right now:

I hope you enjoy the read as much as I did. I've really become interested in Forex and with Think Or Swim adding it to their platform my intrique really peaked. That's what got me studying and working with my trading mentor.

Good Trading,

Christopher Smith

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