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Friday, September 21, 2007

Forex Trading Video by Bill Poulos

A lot of you are asking what it's like to trade the Forex market...

You have also been asking how does Bill Poulus' trading methods work...

Those are the types of questions I have received and Bill had anticipated those very types of questions, too. He has recorded a video on day-by-day basis, beginning on September 6, 2007, and finishing a couple days ago, on September 18, 2007.

The video is cued and ready for viewing. You will get to see exactly what it feels like to quickly spot and jump on potential Forex moves BEFORE they happen and then ride them.

Remember, you're not scanning through thousands of stocks. There are only a handful of major currency pairs and you can narrow that down to just a few that you want to follow.

How long does it take to look at 3 or 4 price charts?

Are you beginning to see why this so powerful? The largest financial market in the world... The most liquid market in the world... Review a few price charts at night, looking for one of four set-ups...

The video is basically a daily trade diary, allowing you to discover for yourself:

  • How to get in the market
  • Where to place your stops
  • How to take a quick profit
  • When to let your trade RIDE so you can enjoy even MORE profit...
Watch it here NOW:

(No name or email required or view it, it will just automatically load.)

Bill has filled most of the available seats in his charter class of Forex trading students, but has said he will leave the video up until he fills the remaining seats.

Good Trading,

Christopher Smith

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